

Doyinsola Ogunye Is On A Mission To Save Sea Turtles And The Shorelines Of Lagos


Throughout March, WildAid is shining a spotlight on some of the incredible women in conservation who are working tirelessly to protect wildlife across Africa.Doyinsola Ogunye is the founder of the Men...

WildAid Commends Nigeria's National Strategy To Combat Wildlife Crime


The federal government of Nigeria has launched a five-year National Strategy to Combat Wildlife and Forest Crime in Nigeria.The strategy, prepared by the Federal Department of Forestry and the Nationa...

Bringing Nigeria’s Lion Population Back From Extinction


As a kid, I read a lot of books with pictures of lions, cheetahs, elephants, and giraffes. One thing that stood out in nearly all the books I read was this: the lion is the “king of the jungle”. Somet...

Saving Nigeria’s Remaining 100 Cross River Gorillas


Nigeria is rich in biodiversity. The country is blessed with unique animals who help to conserve and maintain the ecosystem. One such animal is the Cross River gorilla, a unique species home to Nigeri...